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Well we’re back from a warm and sunny week in Florida and I’ll say it… a little sad to be back so soon! It was a really wonderful time together as a family and visiting with my grandparents. I was so grateful for the chance to get away like that! But all good things must come to an end so we’re back at it again today! 

I hope to see you out for our Intergenerational Service Night for our Wednesday Roots Night. Like normal, we have devotions and dinner at 5:30pm. At 6:30pm we’ll start our service project led by the Witness Commission. I know they are still looking for donations (snack items, Easter items or financial contributions) for the project. If you can’t make it Wednesday night, maybe consider bringing something to support the SWEEP program!


We’re not far away from our next Every Generation Sunday! As a reminder on the 5th Sunday of the month we have a combined Sunday School hour, where all ages worship and learn together. We’ll start in the sanctuary at 9:30am with some time of singing. This month (3/30) we’ll compete in an intergenerational Lent Jeopardy Game! Make a point to be there, and bring your Sunday School classmates!

Last week we had another planning meeting for FAMJAM 2025! We are excited to start building and meeting with the FAMJAM Lead Team in the beginning of April! If you would like to be a part of leadership for this year's event, please reach out! We have several teams available!


Speaking of lead teams, a boys and men discipleship event is in the works for Friday, June 13th! This event will be similar to last years girls and women event, Bible Belles, but just for guys! Be prayerful for the team of men that will form to put together this event. We’re excited for how this will serve our community!

Also on my list week is a big project for my New Testament class that I’m in right now. I’m enjoying the challenge that this class brings, but also the readings that are being assigned. It may be hard to focus on the project while I’m dreaming of the sunshine that we ran around in this past week, but it’s not far away for us here! 


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: God Calls Us to Serve

Our Root Text: 1 Samuel 3:1–21

Verse of the Month: 1 Samuel 12:24

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Discuss being willing, pure, and courageous as we serve the Lord.


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I’ll let you in on a little secret, we’ll be hanging out in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) for FAMJAM this year. In doing some preparatory studying, I thought I’d share with you these nuggets about salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) that I’ve been learning from Jen Wilkin. We are called to be both!

SALT - comes from below us (humility); it is used as a preservative; it prevented infections dn decay; it held a lot of value in Biblical times (used as payment)

  • Salt makes us thirsty. Does the way that we live make others want the Living Water?


LIGHT - comes from above us (exalted); reveals what is hidden in darkness; it causes things to grow; it shows true colors

  • There is truth to be known. Does the way that we live reveal Him to a dark world?

At the end of this particular lesson on the Sermon on the Mount, Jen shares that 

“greatness in the kingdom means there is corresponding holiness between your words and your actions.” Be salty. Shine bright.


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: This has been on my list for a while! Check it out - 

The Opt-Out Family: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can't

Something to Listen to: Since it’s St. Patrick's day, enjoy this song! The Prayer of St. Patrick, by Rend Collective

Something to Follow: We officially launch Grace Marriage next week! Check out their podcast HERE!


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the brand-new Mothers Ministry that is launching! This group is starting in April.

PRAISE for the community and family that we find within our Sunday School classes!