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Happy Monday, my friends! It’s a blustery, fall day here. In fact, a little while ago I rescued one of the FAMJAM “joy” letters from our neighbors as it blew out of the shed and across the road! I enjoyed the chance to grab some sunshine, though!

It’s a week full of meetings for me. Tonight Church Commissions and Board meet to discuss the work of the church. Be prayerful over those who dedicate their time to serve and the decisions that lie ahead of them each month. I’m encouraged by the many hands that are represented on our church board. 

This week is our second gathering for Wednesday Roots Nights. Don’t forget about the time change, dinner and devotions start at 5:30 and will be served until 6:20 when dismissal to programs begin. There are two adult discipleship offerings that begin at 6:30pm, Great Passages of the Bible with Pastor Kevin and a Faith and Family Discipleship Discussion Group with Kerri Kreider and Mary Etta Reinhart. Lil’ and Youth Roots activities begin at 6:30pm as well.

Don’t forget about the Dutch Blitz tournament taking place here at the church on Friday evening. You don’t need to have any prior experience with the game - we’ll teach you! Light refreshments will be served at 6:30pm and games will begin at 6:45pm. Bring a friend!

Check the flyers in the gathering area and around the mailboxes about the Alpha and Omega Church fundraiser that we’re hosting here on Saturday, October 26th. The Witness Commission is hosting the event, there will be live music and delicious Latin American food. Contact the church office to reserve your ticket!

Thank you all for the Pastor Appreciation gift that was given yesterday. It is a true joy to serve alongside you all. I’m grateful for Pastor Kevin’s leadership and the support of Mary Etta and Rita. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this place is full of gems!

What WE’RE Learning This WeekA nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: Submitting to Authority

Our Root Text: Romans 13:1–14

Verse of the Month: Romans 12:2

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Discuss how God wants us to submit to those in authority over us unless it means disobeying God.

Check Out This Week’s PARENT PAGE

*This can also be accessed in the D6 Family App

What I’M Learning This WeekSharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I’ll share with you an excerpt from the book that the BOLD Bible study is working through, Woven: Understanding the Bible as One Seamless Story

“R.C. Sproul, the late author and theologian, once looked back on his decades of teaching theology in the classroom and could think of countless examples when students had approached him with questions about why God doesn’t just save everybody. Wouldn't that be truly merciful? Shouldn’t that be the whole intent of his grace? Sprould said: “Somewhere deep inside the secret chambers of our hearts, we harbor the notion that God owes us His mercy, that heaven would not be quite the same if we were excluded from it. We know we’re sinners, but surely we're not as bad as we could be. There are enough redeeming features to our personalities that if God is really just, He will include us in salvation.”

She goes on to share… “Only once, he said, did a student come up to him and ask what all of us should actually be wondering: Why did he redeem me? …What amazes us is justice, not grace.” 

I appreciated this thought and the conversation it caused in the BOLD Bible study. I think it bridges nicely to some of what we’ve been learning in Romans this month in Sunday School. I also appreciate this quote because every time I read it it stops me in my tracks. Yes, why me, Lord?

Make Every Week CountParenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: Add it to your list or your Christmas list for someone else… Grandparenting with Grace: Living the Gospel with the Next Generation

Something to Listen to: Loving this new song from Rend Collective - Holy Trouble!

Something to Follow: I love some clever Jesus swag, I just found this brand “Rodeo In the Sky.” Do you get it?!

How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for tonight’s commissions and board meeting.

PRAISE for the beautiful fall weather!