Last Sunday we had a prayer vigil for our nation and the election this week. My thanks to Kay Swarr for organizing the vigil for those who came to pray. I was glad to see nearly 30 people come out for the closing of the prayer vigil Sunday evening. And yes, I was praying as I sat down to fill out my ballot on Tuesday. God has brought us through the election and so let us continue to pray for our nation and our leaders and for the transition that is forthcoming.
I have been praying for weeks now for the election as well as for revival in the American Church. I learned last week that one of the Churches of God in Harrisburg that Ruth and I assisted in getting started in 2010 was closing. We were shocked to learn of the news because the church still had a very effective ministry. It was a reminder to me of the importance of continually praying for the church and for revival. Will you consider joining me in praying for revival in the church through end of 2024?
On Wednesday evening this week, after a great Roots meal, the adult Bible study continued as we are looking at great passages of Scripture. We focused this week on Ephesians 2 which is a pivotal chapter not just in Scripture but in the history of the church. Martin Luther who started the Protestant Reformation over five hundred years ago was convicted by the words of Eph. 2:8-9 that we are saved by grace through face and not by works that he nailed his 95 theses (grievances) on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517. The Protestant Reformation began, and it is because of the convicting power of God’s word on a young Martin Luther that we have the church today.
Tomorrow is fall cleanup day at the church. If you can help, please come by 8:00 and bring rakes and gloves and such. We hope to be done well before noon. In addition, some of our BDM volunteers are leaving tomorrow and the rest early Sunday morning. We did receive word that the NC delegation made it to their destination on Wednesday. Let’s be praying for both of these teams as they serve the Lord through meaningful service to others.
Some of you took advantage of the tours on Sunday of the remodeled classrooms in our Strategic Vision. The project is winding down and there will be a full update at the Fall Business Meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. If you haven’t given in support of this work, please do so. We are hoping to max out the match that was offered this week but there is still some need beyond that. I am so grateful for those that have given and trusting that God will bring in the balance of the funds needed by the end of the year.
At our staff meeting on Monday, I was surprised that the great staff here at Mechanic Grove had a pastor appreciation luncheon for me. I am blessed to serve with such caring and Christlike servants each week. We had our meeting and then enjoyed lunch together and just “caught up” with one another in regard to our families and ministries. I have served in pastoral ministry for over 27 years and have had staff wherever I served, but the staff God has brought to Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren has been far and away the most enjoyable and devoted servants. We are more than staff and partners in ministry but very much friends who genuinely love Jesus and His Church!
Last Sunday it was good to remember those faithful saints of the church who have gone on to glory in the last two years. This Sunday we will be in Isaiah 6 for a message “Experiencing God.” And please make the effort to attend the Fall Business Meeting on Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Council packets are still available in the gathering area.
There is much going on from children’s ministries through the OAKS ministry and everything in between. God is at work in His Church and we are blessed to be a part of growing God’s kingdom here in southern Lancaster County. I will be looking for you tomorrow morning for fall cleanup and of course this Sunday as we gather in worship. My prayer is that we might truly “experience God” this Lord’s Day.
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather, lend a hand here at church or to a neighbor in need. Let’s continue to grow to become more and more like Jesus. Remember it is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!
Pastor Kevin