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I am writing this on Wednesday morning after my prayer and devotional time. 2025 has arrived and no I did not stay up to welcome the new year. As I sit in the quiet of the morning here at home, I am watching the first sunrise of this new year. It is a powerful reminder that God is still on the throne, He is still in control, and as the song says, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” For me, this is the best way to welcome the New Year, by simply praising God!

Ruth and I had a wonderful Christmas with our daughters with us on Christmas day. Molly stayed down until yesterday. Ruth’s sister arrived from SC on Thursday, and they will be heading out tomorrow. Ruth and I are leaving along with her sisters in the morning for Butler, PA as Ruth’s Uncle Jack’s funeral is tomorrow evening. We will return without her sisters who are heading south on Friday. It was a blessed Christmas season with some very meaningful services at church, lots of gifts, cards, and special treats, and the blessing of being with family. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

With the New Year comes lots of new opportunities. You will hear about a new ministry that is developing this Sunday. I am looking forward to 2025 and wanted to let you know that our Wednesday evening Adult Bible study will resume at 6:30 pm this Wednesday. We are beginning a chapter-by-chapter study of 1 Corinthians. If you want to dig a little deeper into God’s Word in 2025, this is a great place to begin. As always, our Sunday School ministry remains our strongest small group ministry where we can be studying God’s Word together.

I was able to visit Charlotte Miller, Ron Bolt, Mel Shaub, and Emma Dubble this week. Each continues to need prayers. I received word that Herb Kreider’s procedure went well earlier this week. I bumped into Ginny Rineer in the grocery store and was so glad to see her. She is hoping to get well enough to be back with us early in 2025. 

This Sunday we will be installing our church board and our deacons for 2025.  Each of these are vital to the ministry of the church. The Church Board oversees the overall program ministry of the church. The Deacons aid the pastoral staff in pastoral care, special services, and helping to meet the needs of those in the congregation. I am so grateful for those who have agreed to serve. I am blessed by the strong lay leadership of the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren.

I walked through the remodeled downstairs children’s wing on Tuesday and boy does it look great. The upstairs wing continues to take shape as we begin the remodeling process there. Many hands over the last several weeks have helped to get us to where we are. A big thank you to Janae who has been instrumental in coordinating the transition these last several weeks. Let me encourage you to pray for Aliza and the great COM staff as they continue the ministry to the children and families of our community in this new space.

I started my read through the Bible in a year plan today. I took last year off focusing on the New Testament and reading through it about four times over the year but am anxious to read through the Bible again. This year, I plan on using the New Living Translation. We will have a read through the Bible in a year plan for you this Sunday.

We are actually still celebrating Christmas through January 6 which is Epiphany. Epiphany is a Christian holiday that celebrates the manifestation of Jesus to the world. It is celebrated on January 6th, the 12th day after Christmas, and is also known as the Feast of Epiphany, Three Kings Day, or Theophany. Epiphany for many Christian churches recognizes the Wise Men’s arrival in Bethlehem and offering their worship and gifts to Jesus. So, let’s continue to celebrate and worship Jesus as we move into this New Year. God with us is a truth worth celebrating not just at Christmas but all year long. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Arise, shine, for the light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” That is what Christmas and Epiphany are all about.

New Year blessings to you and I again am looking forward to how God continues to work in and through us in 2025. As I said last Sunday, “the best is yet to come.” I am looking forward to our first worship service together on Sunday and to God’s continued favor and blessing upon His church, the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren in 2025.

It is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!

Pastor Kevin