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On Wednesday this week, the Lenten season began with Ash Wednesday. I shared at our staff meeting on Monday about the season of Lent and its history and some of the things I have done for Lent over the years. Often people give up something for Lent but I think it is more important in what we take up for Lent. It is a season of greater prayer and reflection. A time to prepare for Passion week and Resurrection Sunday. It is a season to be more intentional about our walk with the Lord and seek out ways to draw closer to Him. Each Sunday during Lent we will have a reading as a part of the 8:15 am worship service that will include an object to remind us of something significant about Jesus as He journeys to the cross of Calvary.

Our Wednesday evening Roots night was well attended despite the rain. It is exciting to see the kids and the youth and the many volunteers coming together to make our Wednesday Roots night a success. A big thank you to Janae and her team that organize much of the Roots night activities. We have a few more weeks in our 1 Corinthians study if you want to jump in. This coming Wednesday we will be in I Corinthians 11 at 6:30 pm in Room 14.

I was able to visit with Emma Dubble this week and am glad that she is out of isolation. She is so grateful for the prayers from her church family as her recovery continues. Ron Bolt had successful knee replacement surgery on Tuesday and was home and starting therapy by Thursday! Mel Shaub is so appreciative of the roughly 60 birthday cards he received last month for his 98th birthday. Please consider visiting our homebound members as they love to connect with their church family.

On Wednesday this week, Janae and I had lunch at Solid Rock Ministries in Quarryville with other church and community leaders to learn more about their ministry. It was great to hear their vision for their new building and how their ministries continue to develop. What impressed me about their leadership is that they understand that they are not a church but a vital doorway to the church for many. They are all about Jesus and reaching youth and children with the Gospel but understanding that those young lives need the love and support of the church family beyond what they receive at Solid Rock Ministries. I was blessed by my time with them and so glad that they are making a real kingdom impact in the southern end.

Ruth was back home this week and so we both had a number of doctors visit this week. We each had one on Wednesday and Thursday and our Thursday visits were in Harrisburg. We are looking to return home today after spending last night and having dinner with Molly, Tessa and Everett, Tessa’s fiancée. Next week is a busy week. The Oaks Movie Matinee is Monday, March 10th and is the true story of Kurt Warner, the star quarterback and Super Bowl Champion for the Rams over 20 years ago. It is as much a love story and a story of faith and perseverance as it is a football story. Signups are still available across from the mailboxes. The movie with popcorn will start in the sanctuary at 1:00 pm on Monday. Our Commissions and Church Board will also meet on Monday evening.

On Sunday, we will be kicking off our Lenten series “Encounters with Jesus” by looking at Jesus encounter with a desperate father in Mark 9. In addition, we will have a Moment for Missions with an update on our COM ministry from Director Aliza Kraynak. Don’t forget to bring back any puzzles you borrowed as we wrap up our winter puzzle exchange. Also, we spring forward this weekend so be sure to move your clocks forward one hour Saturday night. Yes, you will lose an hour of sleep, but we will enjoy more daylight in the evenings. The official start of spring is about two weeks away but those warmer days the last several weeks have been a welcomed preview of what is to come. 

Last week I read a book entitled “The Journey Home” by Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. It was the last book that he wrote as he was dealing with a terminal illness. What I found so inspirational about the book is how confident and reassured he was of the promised blessings of heaven. The book is filled with Scriptures and captures Bill’s heart for evangelism that made him such an impactful Christian leader from the 1950’s through his passing in 2003. The book is in my library and if you would like to read it, just ask and I will gladly share it with you.

Let me leave you with a lingering thought from last Sunday’s sermon: Jesus declared in Luke 19:10 that the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. And the church is given that same mission when Jesus gave His followers the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20. Solid Rock Ministries is seeking the lost among the youth and children of our community. Bill Bright sought the lost on our college campuses when he started Campus Crusade for Christ in the 1950’s. And Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren has been seeking the lost of southern Lancaster County since 1897. Proverbs 11:30 says, “He who wins souls is wise.” May the Lord see us as wise as we continue to seek the ones He misses the most. 

 Have a great weekend. Don’t forget the time change as we begin our Lenten journey with Jesus as He has some life changing encounters with the ones He misses the most on His way to the cross of Calvary. Looking forward to an amazing Lord’s Day celebration with you. Be blessed and remember it is Friday but Sunday’s coming!

Pastor Kevin