This has been a busy week at Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren. It started on Monday as we had our first staff meeting of the year. Lori shared devotions from Matthew 5 about the importance of being salt. We were challenged to “be salty” this week. We covered the very busy schedule for the week that included a Roots night as well as the Ladies Valentines Brunch. In addition, there seemed to be people coming and going from church all week. We are coming to the end of the renovations in the adult wing as well. I was reminded with all the activities this week that what a great time this is to dream big and be a part of God’s work at Mechanic Grove.
On Wednesday this week, I led a one-hour Bible study at the Senior Center in Quarryville. I shared my background and story and then we studied Exodus 3 and 4 as God called Moses to lead His people out of bondage in Egypt. We talked about how Moses made excuse after excuse to not do what God was asking. God was gracious to him though until Exodus 4:14 when it says, “His anger burned against Moses.” I challenged those seniors that if God calls us to something, stop making excuses, don’t be a Moses but rather move forward in confidence. I reminded them that Moses was eighty years old when he returned to Egypt to go before Pharoah and speak for God on behalf of the Israelite people. It’s a great story and I loved sharing it again with the seniors and praying with them.
Also, on Wednesday after a great Roots meal, I was downstairs with our Little Roots. It was a joy to be with them and to see how they are functioning in the new space. I was able to share with them about our Dream Big series and how their dreams were just as important as mine. We had them praying together as triplets as well as writing down their dreams for Mechanic Grove too. The Dream Big board is still in the gathering area with room for more and we are going to add on separate sheets the dreams of our Little Roots. I was so glad to be with them on Wednesday evening and my thanks to Ed Reinhart for leading the adult bible study in my absence.
Tomorrow is the Valentine’s Brunch for the ladies and I understand that there are a number of people signed up. It should be another busy day at Mechanic Grove. Tonight, Ruth and I, along with the pastoral staff and their spouses, will be at a dinner at church provided by the Messengers Class. We are so blessed by this event as they express their appreciation for us.
I was able to visit with Emma Dubble and Glenn and Anna Mary Kreider this week. I was glad to see Eleanor Herr at church on Wednesday after her stay last weekend at Penn State Hershey Medical center. I remember praying for them earlier in the week when I was praying through the families with last names starting with “H.” It was good to see her on Wednesday and so many others as we had a good crowd in attendance.
Prayer and share triplets continue to meet and I am hearing good things from those who are participating. I am not sure exactly how many triplets there are but again I am encouraging everyone to pray for Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren as we dream big through the rest of this month. After our Sunday morning worship services, we will be providing some questions for your prayer time to spark some dreaming of what God desires for His Church. Remember He promises to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20).
My devotions this week were in Leviticus and Numbers where Moses is leading the Israelite people through the wilderness. Despite God’s favor and provisions for the Israelites, they still chose to worship foreign gods and blamed Moses for all their difficulties. Moses even received opposition from his brother Aaron and sister Miriam. Moses was like a father, a priest, and a pastor to the Israelites. Moses took a lot of grief from the people, but he continued to seek God on behalf of a stiff-necked people. In Numbers 14, God is preparing to destroy the Israelites with a plague. Moses pleads with God not to destroy them and in verse 20 it says, “The Lord replied, ‘I have forgiven them as you have asked.’” Moses served the Lord well by serving God’s people well. His example encourages me to serve God well by serving His people well.
This Sunday we will continue the Dream Big series as we consider the importance of worship as we look at two great examples of worship from Revelation 4 and 5. Be sure and check out the Dream Big board as well and let’s keep dreaming big for Jesus and His church. And of course, don’t forget to wear green as there is a big game Sunday evening. But let’s begin Sunday not with the big game, but with worship of a big God who promises to do immeasurably more than we can or imagine.
Have a great weekend. Stay well and safe. Keep praying and dreaming as we prepare to meet God on the mountain this Sunday. Remember it is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!
Pastor Kevin