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Ruth and I put away our Christmas decorations this week. It was a bittersweet experience as we closed the chapter on our first Christmas season in our new home. This Christmas season will always be special for the great Advent/Christmas spirit that we had coming through December and culminating on Christmas Eve. How blessed we are to know that we have a Savior who is Christ the Lord!

It is hard to believe that we are 1/3rd of the way through January. The beginning of 2025 has been challenging with bitter cold temperatures, plenty of wind, and measurable snow. Ruth and I began 2025 by traveling to Butler for her Uncle Jack’s funeral January 2 and 3. It was a long trip and a snowy one on the return. We were glad we could go as Ruth was able to see many from her extended family.

We had a snow day on Monday that kept most of the staff home. Tonight, we are having our staff Christmas party which is always a fun time with our spouses joining us for a great meal and time to be together not as staff but as friends. Tomorrow I am having a new members class and am excited to have five participants. And I am getting excited for our “Dream BIG!” series coming up that you will hear more about in the coming weeks.

I was able to brave the cold and make some visits this week. I saw Emma Dubble who is progressing albeit slowly from her fall and surgery. I visited Charlotte Miller and Ron Bolt at QPRC. Prayers for all three are still needed. Ed Reinhart and Ken Rutt had procedures done this week as well. Prayers for Jim Showalter as he is preparing to begin treatment for his cancer.

I got a late start on my read through bible in a year program but have caught up. I am using the guide that is available in the gathering area and am using the New Living Translation. It was good to read again those great stories in Genesis this week. I was reading through the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob this week. Each story seemed to be a testimony of how God continues to work in our lives despite our flaws and failings. Abraham lied twice about his wife being his sister and yet he is later referred to as “friend of God.” Noah survived a year on the Ark and then when he is safe on dry ground again gets drunk and curses his own son. And Jacob was a conniving character to say the least. Yet God does amazing things through these men. Looking forward to the story of Joseph next week as someone who loved the Lord and rose above his troubled family history.

On Monday of next week, we are having our OAKS Movie Matinee at 1:00 pm in the sanctuary and are showing the movie, “What If…”  This is great movie that considers our lives and what they would have been like if we truly followed the will of God. I saw this movie years ago at Clergy Couples Retreat and thought it was great. We plan to have popcorn and ice cream afterwards so consider coming to our OAKS event on MondayNext week is Roots as well as our first Roots night of 2025. The kids will be able to use the renovated children’s wing and my Bible study on 1 Corinthians will continue at 6:30 pm in Room 14 as we look at Chapter 2 of Paul’s letter. If you want to dig a little deeper into God’s Word, consider joining us on Wednesday evenings or get plugged into a Sunday School class. Let’s not settle to be fans—let’s be growing followers of Jesus Christ who engage His Word in study.

This week I will be sharing a message from Luke 5 on risk taking faith. We will look at the paralyzed man who is brought to Jesus by the man’s friends and lowered from the ceiling before Jesus. We will talk about how we are called as followers of Jesus to be risk takers—to be as Peter was and step out of the boat and walk on water. This is a sermon we need to hear as we prepare for the Dream BIG! series. And by the way, if you are asked to be a part of a prayer and share triplet, please say yes. You will be blessed. I already know of several triplets that have formed in anticipation of this upcoming series.

Last Sunday we installed our deacons and church board for 2025. The Commissions and Church Board will meet on Monday evening as we begin a new year together. Our Moving Forward Committee met on Tuesday to consider where we are with the logo and evaluate the language we use in describing who we are in regards to mission, vision, and core values. The Committee members have tasks to complete before we meet again January 21. And as a reminder we are pleased to have Chris Elliott sharing on Sunday, January 19th as we observe Missions Sunday.

Much is happening in the life of the church and there is much more to come. In Matthew 25, Jesus told the parable of the talents about the importance of being faithful in what God has provided. When we are good stewards of what God has provided, He promises us even more (v. 29). May God indeed find us faithful in 2025.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the football games, stay warm and safe. But let’s remember that challenge shared two weeks ago to make being with God’s people a priority in 2025. So, I will look for you this Sunday as we worship the Lord together. Remember it is Fridaybut Sunday’s coming!

Pastor Kevin