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     What a great week it has been for the Solanco Fair. The weather has been fine, and I have been able to be at the fair all three days. On Wednesday, I was serving in the milk shake stand in the morning. I also gave the opening prayer at 10:00 am. Afterwards, I walked around talking with people and just “enjoying” the fair. On Thursday, our daughter Tessa was down so I took her around the fair in the afternoon. She was also able to be at the parade on Wednesday evening and seemed to have a good time. I am hoping to spend some more time there today. It was great to see so many of our Mechanic Grove family at the fair and in the parade and I am looking forward to the pictures this Sunday.

     On Wednesday, after walking through the Jim and Eleanor Kreider building at the fairgrounds, I felt led to go and visit Jim Kreider. Had a great visit with him that afternoon and we talked about the fair as well as his great love for Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren. Jim is a beloved treasure of the church and the farmers of Southern Lancaster County, and it seemed most appropriate to spend some time with him during fair week.

Donna Kreider was laid to rest in a private ceremony yesterday. Your prayers for Craig and Jodi and their families as well as for Donna’s sister are appreciated. A celebration of life service will be held at Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren on Saturday, October 5th with visitation from 10:00 – 11:00 followed by the service at 11:00.  

           Last Friday I took my mother for her cataract surgery which went very well this time. She is improving quickly and has started driving again. I saw Kay Swarr at the parade and was reminded that her long awaited knee surgery is this Wednesday. Your prayers for

Kay and Bob this week are appreciated. Dennis Findley received his pacemaker on Tuesday and has returned home. Prayers for continued healing and strength are needed.

           I had an opportunity to walk through the building this week and see how the modifications are coming. Much work has been done but some still remains. There will be some significant bills coming in the next couple of months, so we are looking for some contributions to our strategic vision to cover those expenses. If you haven’t given yet to our Strategic Vision, let me encourage you to prayerfully consider giving as we enhance our facility for greater ministry and security.

           I have been living in the New Testament this year for my devotions and have just finished my third time through and have started a fourth. Reading in Matthew this week, I always have to read a bit more carefully when I get to Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teaching in his greatest sermon is always causes to pause and reflect more on my own spiritual journey. Self-reflection is an important part of our walk with the Lord. On Sunday, we will be handing out a brief devotional entitled “Self-Examination: A Time to Prepare” which was written by the deacons and church staff. Love Feast is two weeks from this Sunday evening, so we are giving this devotional for you to do some self-examination and self-reflection as we ready ourselves for the celebration of Love Feast.

           This Sunday we will continue with the “Promises: The I Will Statements of Jesus” preaching series looking at Matthew 11:28-30 where Jesus promises us rest. After a full week like this, rest sounds like a great idea. But the kind of rest Jesus promises to give is something more meaningful and lasting. I look forward to sharing this great promise of Jesus with you this Sunday. As always, we will have traditional worship at 8:15 am, Sunday School at 9:30 am, followed by the contemporary service at 10:30 am. Come and celebrate this great week we had in our community as we worship the Lord together as the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren.

           Well, enjoy your Friday, if you are at the fair, I might see you there. But if not, I will look for you this Sunday. Remember, Jesus promised to make us fishers of men and it is fishing season. Let’s continue the work of Jesus peacefully, simply, together as we continue to seek the lost and serve the least among us. 

           Have a blessed weekend and remember, it is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!

Pastor Kevin