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      This week I got to talk with Rachel Johnson via zoom call as she serves with BVS in Elgin, IL. Back in July, we commissioned Rachel as we sent her forth with our blessing. She is doing well and learning so much as she grows into her new role. She will be preparing for FaithX trips for next spring and summer. She is adjusting to her new Midwest setting, singing with the church choir where she is attending, and adjusting to life “on her own.” It was great to hear her enthusiasm for the work God has called her to. When God brings her to mind, be sure and pray for her.

     Speaking of prayer, please be praying for Donna Kreider who remains at LGH after a fall the previous week. In addition, prayers for Rufus and Sharon Kreider as they travel to Alaska for the memorial service for Rufus and Charlotte Miller’s sister Shirley. Dawson Holzhauer had a rough week but is improving. Thanks for your prayers for him.

Our commissions and Church Board met this week, and you should see some of the highlights of the Church Board meeting in this week’s bulletin. Our ministries will once again ramp up when we get beyond next week’s Solanco Fair. My thanks to the many who have signed up to help in the milkshake stand on Wednesday. I do believe that there is still a need for more help so check out the signup sheet in the gathering area this Sunday.

Last Sunday, Jeff Rutt was here to share about Hope International as our Moment for Missions. To be honest, I was not aware of the organization but did research them more this week. They are making a real kingdom impact and there were a number of compelling stories of how they have changed someone or some family’s life on their website. Through microloans they are able to help people and at the same time share the Gospel. My thanks for Jeff for coming and sharing this innovative way to expand the kingdom of God.

           On Tuesday evening this week, I attended an education event at the Quarryville Presbyterian Home. The speaker was an elder from the Harvest Presbyterian Church near Willow Street who shared about his ministry to the Amish community. It was fascinating as he shared how he is ministering to the Amish locally as well as in Virginia. Since the Amish are neighbors for most of us, it was great to learn more about them and perhaps how we can talk about Jesus with them.

           Today is my mother’s surgery to correct her cataract procedure that didn’t go well last month. By the time you receive this, I am hoping that her procedure is done and that she is already recovering. We will be sticking close to her for the next couple of days to help her out. On Sunday after service, Ruth and I will travel to Harrisburg for a birthday celebration with some old friends.

           I took the opportunity to walk through the building modifications that are ongoing earlier this week. The classrooms are taking shape, carpet, painting and dry wall is done in many places. The plan for having a designated adult ministry space and a separate children’s ministry space is coming together. By the end of the year, we should be fully utilizing these areas for ministry. We are still in need of resources to cover the costs. We remain several hundred thousand dollars short of the expected final costs which will come due by the year end. Please, prayerfully consider giving in support of this new ministry space for our families.

           This Sunday, we are beginning our “Promises” preaching series that looks at some of the “I Will” statements that Jesus makes. We may not be very good at keeping promises, but we can be assured that if Jesus says, “I Will” he will follow through. This week we look at what is probably the very first “I Will” statement of Jesus -“I will make you fishers of men.” I am looking forward to this series that will run through the end of October. In addition, if you missed last Sunday’s message it was on getting back to school—Sunday School! So, with two Sunday morning services now and Sunday School at 9:30 am, this is a great time to plug into Sunday School. Look for locations of the Sunday School classes in the gathering area and let’s commit to going back to school—Sunday School!

           Let me close with this. We had staff meeting this week and I shared devotions from 2 Timothy 4, Paul’s final words to young Pastor Timothy. What is fascinating as Paul anticipates his death at any moment is how focused he remained on encouraging Timothy and preaching the Gospel. He invites Timothy to come see him and to come before winter. And when Timothy comes, Paul asks that he bring two things—his cloak and his scrolls. With his life about to end, Paul wanted a coat for warmth and the Scriptures. That’s a man who was sold out to serving the Lord Jesus Christ as his dying wish was more of God’s Word. Paul said in 2 Tim. 4:18, “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” With death imminent for him, Paul longed for the Word and for being with Jesus.  We don’t know if Timothy made it to Paul before winter or before Paul’s death, but we can be assured when Paul’s life ended, he was welcomed into the presence of Jesus—the very one he so passionately served. Paul reminds me of many pastors and faithful servants who served well and finished well and that inspires me to do the same. Galatians 6:9 was also written by Paul, says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Thanks, Paul, for your encouraging words and your incredible example.

     Well fair week is just about here, and it is a great opportunity to do good as we serve our community. But first let’s have our best Sunday yet as we gather in celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ who promises to make you and I fishers of men. I look forward to seeing you Sunday and don’t forget to go back to school as we continue to grow and become more like Jesus. Have a blessed weekend and a great fair week.

Remember, it is Friday…but Sunday’s coming! 

Pastor Kevin