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     Ruth and I had a great week of vacation the end of August. We traveled to the Outer Banks, NC and enjoyed being at the beach and swimming in the pool. I read three books and enjoyed the much-needed down time after a hectic summer. Our summer of moving is over. Molly has moved into her place and that is working well. We now are at 516 Darlington Court, New Providence, and are working at getting things organized, pictures on the wall, and settling in. We are grateful for all the help we had over the summer in making the transition and are so glad to be in our forever home.

     This was a quiet week at the church. Janae was on vacation and our fall programming hasn’t started. On Monday, (yes, I worked a few hours on the holiday to catch up after being gone a week), I walked through the building to see the new classrooms taking shape. This space will be amazing for Christian education which is so important to who we are and how we are doing family ministry. Continue to look for updates on our strategic vision in the coming months.

           I was able to visit this week including visits with Emma Dubble, Mel Shaub, Charlie and Edna Wagner, and Anna Jane Glisson. Be praying for Donna Kreider who fell and has been hospitalized. I saw her on Wednesday. Prayers for Carl Graver and Rick Graver as they recover from surgeries as well. My mother recently had cataract surgery that didn’t go well for her. She is having a second surgery next Friday to hopefully “correct” the first surgery. She is real anxious about it so if she comes to mind next Friday, say a prayer for her.

           With summer behind us, we begin to focus on fall, football and of course the Solanco Fair, less than two weeks away now. Signup for helping in the milkshake stand is in the gathering area. In addition, I will be giving the prayer on Wednesday at 10:00 am for the fair while I am at the fairgrounds. I am so grateful I am not in the cow milking contest this year but am anxious to serve and be a part of this great community event.

           This Sunday we resume our normal Sunday schedule with our traditional worship service at 8:15 am followed by Sunday School at 9:30 am and then our contemporary service at 10:30 am. With building modifications underway, be sure and check the gathering area for where your Sunday School class is meeting as there will be some temporary changes. The message this week is entitled, “Back to School (Sunday School!)” as we will be talking about how important is for each of us to keep growing in our faith. With September being Christian Education Month, we will be focusing on the discipleship ministries of the church over the next several weeks.

           Next week will be a busy week with Commissions and Church Board meeting on Monday evening, Deacons meeting on Wednesday evening and the Stormers game on Thursday evening. Yes, you can still be a part of the Stormers game, tickets are only $10 and we are carpooling from the church. But the deadline to sign up is Sunday! Ruth and I have never been to a Stormers game so we are looking forward to next Thursday.

           Let me close with what the Lord impressed upon me during vacation. I felt that I was serving the Lord out of dry well much of the summer. Selling homes, moving, trips to Grand Rapids and Butler, PA all contributed to this feeling that I was nearing burn out and not serving well. After the FAM JAM weekend, I decided to spend more time in prayer particularly with vacation coming. And I was reminded during our week away that serving well comes from a well-fed soul. The Lord brought to mind a book from my seminary days nearly 30 years ago entitled “Soul Feast” by Marjorie Thompson. When I got back, I found the book on my shelf and read it again. It was just what I needed as I read the comments I made in the margins from my seminary days as well as the great content. “Soul Feast” was exactly what I needed as I endeavor to serve well from a refreshed and restored body, mind and spirit. I was reminded this week of Psalm 37:4 which says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” That’s my prayer as we continue to grow together and serve together.

           So, I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at either the 8:15 or 10:30 service. And with our focus this week being on “Back to School (Sunday School!)”, this would be a great time to plug into one of our great Sunday School classes. We can all agree that we still have some growing to do to become more like Jesus!

Have a great weekend and remember, it is Friday…but Sunday’s coming!

Pastor Kevin