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It was a joy to worship with both new and familiar faces yesterday! I hope you’re all adjusting well to the time change, that one hour is a little sneaky in how it surely takes a toll on our bodies!

Lots of loose ends that I’m tying up, both here and at home, in preparation for a short trip to Florida to be with my family and grandparents. Scott and I spent some time this weekend helping on the farm to help my parents get off to Florida a little before we will head out to join them on Wednesday. I’m looking forward to some time together as a family, we, in true farmer fashion, have not vacationed together in over ten years! 

Branches (for our Branches Brunch) started leaving their gifts and notes for their Lil’ Roots yesterday. Don’t be surprised if traffic by the family mailboxes is a little more congested there over the next few weeks! Thanks to those who signed up to be a Branch! That sign-up filled quickly! I will likely be in need of some substitutes for the day of the brunch, if you’re willing to sit with someone on that day, please reach out!

We’re encouraging you through the Lent season with the reflection on a different symbol of Lent each week. This week we looked at a candle, reminding us that Jesus is the Light of the World. In the 8:15 service, we’ll read together, like a traditional Advent reading, the scripture and meaning behind that weeks Lent symbol. In second service, the symbol will continue to be illuminated on the stage, but you are encouraged to visit the discussion questions and QR code on the bulletin insert to find the reading for that week. I’m still looking for first service readers, if you’re interested give me a call or an email!

Our next Wednesday Roots Night is our “Intergenerational Missions Night.” After our meal at 5:30pm, we will work together as one whole church family to serve our community. The Witness Commission organizes these events and has set-up for us to pack SWEEP snack kits for Solanco Neighborhood Ministries. You can donate snack items on the table in the Gathering Area. We hope to see you on 3/19 to as we pack these kits together!

One last thing… We have an Every Generation Sunday coming up this month! Nurture Commission is finalizing the plans for a Lent-themed Jeopardy! Make a point to study up with your Sunday School class! The Jeopardy trophy is up for grabs!


What WE’RE Learning This WeekA nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: Lessons From the Life of Ruth

Our Root Text: Ruth chapters 1–4

Verse of the Month: 1 Samuel 12:24

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Talk with your family about the meaning of a kinsman-redeemer. Share how God has been your Redeemer!


What I’M Learning This WeekSharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I’m reading from 40 Days of Decrease for my Lent study this year. Each day provides a short reading from the book of John and a devotional about something to fast from each day. Each day I read, I find myself continuing to think back to what the author shared on day one. Let me share it with you, maybe it will resonate with you just the same. 

“God seems more interested in what we are becoming than in what we are giving up. As David sang, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you God, will not despise.” (Psalm 51:16-17) Faith, in general, is less about the sacrifice of stuff and more about the surrender of our souls. Lent, in kind, is less about well-mannered denials and more about thinning our lives in order to thicken our communion with God.”


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: Last week I shared an Infographic Bible, for all my visual-learning friends out there! Here’s a kids version that looks so fun!

Something to Listen to: I am LOVING this song, Church Kids! Do not be surprised if our Lil’ Roots are singing this for us all some Sunday morning!

Something to Follow: Looking for another devotional resource (and other fun stuff!)? Check out Wheat and Honey Co.!


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the work of the church to be done tonight at our monthly Church Board and Commissions meetings. 

PRAISE for those who volunteer as part of our “Community Team,” serving as Welcomers, Greeters and Coffee-makers!