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Hello and happy Monday! I’m trusting you’re pleased with the results of last night's big game! I’m really just there for the snacks, but was pleased to see the Eagles win! Sounds like it could be another snowy week around here so I was happy to have some sun in my eyes on my way here today! 

Our Youth Roots had a great weekend full of adventures! The Sr. High hitting the slopes for their Ski Retreat and the Jr. Highers enjoyed the indoor water park at Great Wolf Lodge on Saturday. They’re a good bunch of kids! A special thanks to chaperones Shannon and Bernie Houghton for taking the Jr. Highers and Hans Herr and Josh Kreider for taking the Sr. Highers. 

A lovely morning was had by all in attendance at the annual Valentines Brunch! There were almost 90 ladies there! Great work by the committee! A thank you also to the Messengers Sunday School class for a really nice evening of fellowship at their Pastor Appreciation Dinner this weekend. 

Pastor Kevin spent Wednesday night with the Lil’ Roots, helping them “Dream Big,” in correlation to his current sermon series. You’ll see lots of Lil’ Roots dreams on and above the Dream Big wall in the Gathering Area! He’ll be hanging with the Youth Roots next Wednesday! What are you going to add? What dreams for our church family is God laying on your heart?

There’s lots to look forward to these days as well! I’m finalizing details and arrangements for the 2025 D6 Conference. We’re making preparations for an early summer “boys and guys” discipleship event. Things are starting to come together for FAMJAM 2025, too! None of this would be possible without many, many wonderful and passionate volunteers! What a treasure they all are to me!

Diane Herr shared some really great thoughts specific to our married friends out there. I hope you took to heart her encouragement and are marking your calendars for the February church-wide date night! You’ll find more information in your mailbox this week, too!

Blessings to you in your week ahead! 


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: God Equips Us to Serve

Our Root Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1–31

Verse of the Month: 1 Corinthians 13:13

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Pray as a family to help family members use the gifts and abilities God has given them to serve Him and build His kingdom.


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I sent the Sr. High Youth Roots off to the Ski Retreat with a devotional series I had prepared for them on Philippians 4:8. Think about such things… Do you know this verse? Are the eight “filters” that Paul gives us running off in your head? Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy! 

Paul packs A LOT into Philippians 4:8 when you break down each of those “filters.” This verse is such a great rule for life in Christ. I referred to the quote “what’s down in the water, comes up in the well” in my devotions for this group. We have to set our minds on right thinking so that right living - Christlikness, comes out! 

And that’s likely why Paul followed this verse with what he says in verse 9, “whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Put it into practice. Work at running all of your thoughts through the filters of whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy” and PEACE is ours!


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: Lent is coming soon! I’ll be sharing some resources that you may enjoy for your personal and family discipleship over the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to reading this book this year… 40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast. It’s on a great sale right now!

Something to Listen to: Here’s an interesting conversation for parents… Helping Your Kids Navigate the Wonderful World of Dating.

Something to Follow: Need some last minute Valentines for a kid’s class or just for fun to share with your neighbors? Here’s some cute, scripture-based, freebies!


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the CLASP students and staff as they adjust to officially moving into the Kid’s Wing this week!

PRAISE for safe trips for all of our Youth Roots trips this weekend.