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Another snow day from home! You’ve surely heard me say that I have very little need for snow in my life. Sorry to all of the winter lovers out there! But today I’m a little bit grateful that the snow made for a weekend that required some hunkering down at home. 

It was great to be back together for a Roots Night on Wednesday. I am energized by the ways the church family is in action in so many different ways in just a two hour window. Thanks to the many of you that use your gifts in different ways to help make that evening possible. 

Make sure you follow up on the service from Sunday. You can watch back online or listen to the recording on the church website. You can find the bulletin there as well, so don’t miss out on what’s happening this week in the life of the church.

Included in the bulletin yesterday was an announcement about a trip to the Bible Museum in Washington D.C. that the Nurture Commission is excited to share with you all. Due to some logistics, the date has changed to March 15th instead of March 22nd. Let’s fill a coach bus and go explore the Bible together! More information and RSVP forms can be found in the bulletin or in the Gathering Area later this week. 

I spent some time last week working out some details for FAMJAM 2025! I’m very excited about what is coming together there. I’m looking forward to getting a FAMJAM Lead Team together to start working out the specifics of this year's event soon. You can be prayerful over who that team will be.

I don’t have a whole lot to report for you this week, but I wouldn’t want to miss another chance to invite couples of ALL years of marriage to our first church-wide date night on Friday evening! If you didn’t get on the sign-up sheet, no worries! Shoot me a call, text or email and we’ll get you down! A catered dinner will be provided as well as some great connecting activities. 


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: Lessons From the Life of Samson

Our Root Text: Judges 13–16

Verse of the Month: Psalm 46:1

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Talk with your family about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I shared this book as a resource a few weeks ago, Words With God, today I’ll share with you an excerpt that I’m thinking about today…

“Any type of formation is painful - again, that’s just how this age works. The writer of Hebrews, offering us faith and hope, tells us not just to endure the process but to endure for the process. In other words, the process isn’t just something we get through, it’s the place where we find what it is to be a son or daughter. Our relationship with God isn’t on the other side of the process, it’s in the middle of it. By teaching us to pray “Father,” Jesus is charging us to lean into the tension and surrender the effects of fatherlessness, whether they be real, perceived, or both, to the Father. This Father, unlike those who are evil, is holy Love. His name is hallowed or holy, which is a way of saying that his nature is other or set apart. The best of what we've seen or known in fathers are mere signposts, and not even our best scratches the surface of who God the Father is. He is holy, whole, good, perfect. He is Love. The Consuming Fire. 

So many of us run from the Consuming Fire, terrified of being consumed or wounded. But the fire of God is unlike earthly fire, for the closer you get to it, the less it burns. What is real and true about you is found in the flames of Love.”


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: I shared the podcast series that goes with this book a few weeks ago. I’m excited to read this book, Building Spiritual Habits in the Home: Small Steps You Can Take Today, soon!

Something to Listen to: Added this to my playlist lately… It’s a good one! No Fear by Jon Reddick.

Something to Follow: I’m excited about this find on Instagram, Life Giving Books. She shares Christian book and family devotional resources.


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for our Youth Roots this week. They’re a great bunch, let’s ask God’s blessing over their lives. 

PRAISE for keeping friends and family safe on Sunday despite the snow!