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Coming to you after an odd week… Snow and sick days and a busy schedule! I was sad to miss the Farm Show this year, the first time in a lot of years for me, except for a Saturday afternoon visit for the Rodeo with friends. It seems to be a rodeo month for Scott and I! The weekend before we got to see the PBR Rodeo in New York City at Madison Square Gardens. That was a fun experience! 

I’ve officially shortened my building project to-do list to less than one page! It is fun to watch the “dust settle,” if you will, on this project. There are many of you who have given much time and energy to this endeavor, in lots of different ways. If you haven’t checked out the finished Kid’s Wing, make a point to do so soon! The Adult Wing is quickly transforming as well! 

I’m excited to get back into the swing of Wednesday Roots Nights this week! I hope you’ll join us for Family Dinner and Devotions at 5:30pm in the Family Life Center. At 6:30pm we’ll start our Discipleship activities for all ages. Lil’ Roots will be studying David and Psalm 23. Youth Roots will continue their “Essentials of Faith” study in RightNow Media. Adults have the option to join the Discipleship Discussion Group or a Bible Study on 1 Corinthians led by Pastor Kevin. 

Tonight the Church Board and Commissions reconvene for 2025. Thank you to those who have committed to serve as a church board member in this upcoming term! Be prayerful for those who will make decisions on behalf of the body. 

The staff and our spouses gathered for our Christmas dinner this past weekend. We enjoyed some time to fellowship and share a meal together outside of our ministry commitments. I’m thankful to be a part of this staff group, serving alongside all of you!


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: Rely on God’s Power

Our Root Text: Judges 7:1–23

Verse of the Month: Psalm 46:1

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Encourage family members to trust and obey God knowing He has the knowledge and power to accomplish His purposes.


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

I’m really enjoying reading through Job in my Bible reading plan right now. That’s probably not something people would say often. I find myself relating to Job in a lot of ways over some of what I’m carrying in my heart lately. But I also really enjoy the model he sets for us in lament as well as what we can learn about how to sit with our friends in their suffering. 

I’m “marinating” on Job 29:4 “Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God’s intimate friendship blessed my house,” today. Friendship with God, despite all else. Here Job is mourning what was, but we know that in Job’s relationship with God and ours too, our friendship status with God never changes. The circumstances will, our connectivity with him might, but it’s always ours. I’m refreshed and encouraged by that. Even when it’s hard to feel close to him because we’re hurting or left with nothing like Job, his friendship will always bless our house.


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: This kid’s book series was recommended to me recently. Good for read-alouds or independent reading… The Green Ember Series

Something to Listen to: I liked this new year podcast, Create Counter Habits with Justin Whitmel Earley.

Something to Follow: Daily 5 minute devotions for kids, check out the “Keys for Kids” podcast.


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for our last Adult Sunday School class… the Young Adults. This is a flourishing group of 18-25 year olds. 

PRAISE for a wonderful turnout for this month's OAKS gathering! I enjoy watching this group gather together for fellowship!