Happy Snow Day from my couch! It sure is pretty out there but I’m just as happy to be inside! While I’m enjoying snuggling up on the couch today, I’m accompanied by my nephew today so I’m sure we’ll be out to do some sledding later! Trusting your all enjoying your day in the place you like it best (inside or outside)!
So begins 2025, I always appreciate the reset and refresh the new year brings. I spent some time last week cleaning out and reorganizing some rooms in our house. Similarly, it feels so nice to be able to be wrapping up the Building Project and starting fresh. We had an awesome “reveal” morning with our Lil’ Roots in the new Kid’s Wing space yesterday morning. With the snow day, Wee Friends Preschool will have their big reveal tomorrow and Wednesday. Take a field trip and visit the newly renovated space! I hope to share a transformation video, of all of the spaces, with you all soon!
You heard from some of the MGCB Marriage Ministry facilitator couples yesterday with a very impactful video. I hope you and your spouse will get signed up for the Kick-Off Date Night on January, 24th. It may just be one of the best goals you can set for 2025!
Keep an eye on the bulletin and the church website for all of the re-start dates for lots of ministry activities. If you’re looking for a place to serve, we’re looking for help in the Nursery during the Sunday School hour, Lil’ Roots Wednesday Roots Night volunteers, Youth Roots (Jr. and Sr. High) Ski Retreat Chaperones and Youth Roots Sunday School teachers.
Don’t forget about all of the Grow Group opportunities that are available for you, both discipleship groups and community/activity groups. They are all listed on the church website or reach out to Mary Etta, the Adult Grow Groups Coordinator.
What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week
Our Family Theme: God Raises Up Leaders
Our Root Text: Judges 2:1–23
Verse of the Month: Psalm 46:1
How Every Generation Lives This Out: Think about some good spiritual leaders in your life. Share with each other why you look up to them.
What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately
I’m excited to be starting The Bible Recap with my D-Group Bible Study groups. This is a chronological Bible reading plan, so we’ve been in both Genesis and Job this week. The ground that we’ve covered this week in those two books has had me thinking about how precious God’s desire for an intimate relationship with us is. But also how quick we are to forget that, in the day-to-day, this intimacy with Him requires our active participation in it as well.
I’m thinking of the way Jackie Hill Perry talks about Genesis 3:9, “But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” She shares how the question translates more closely to read “where are you in relation to me?” So where am I in relation to God? How close am I? Are we walking in stride with him? What am I hiding from him, knowingly or unknowingly?
I think this is a moving question to ask ourselves as we start a new year. A fitting question to pair against Pastor Kevins sermon yesterday too! Let it be known without question where you are in relation to God.
Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources
Something to Read: Found this book while we’re visiting the Ark Encounter, Will They Stand: Parenting Kids to Face the Giants.
Something to Listen to: The GoodKind Podcast has been releasing a series of episodes on “Building Spiritual Habits,” another great tool for the new year..
Something to Follow: Maybe you’re jumping into a Bible Reading plan, this RightNow Media resource on Genesis and Job would be fitting for the next few weeks!
How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries
PRAY for the next Adult Sunday School class, Embracing Neighbors. This class is made up of church family members ages 25-45, Marrieds & Families with Children.
PRAISE for God’s beautiful creation on display today, the snow!