Hello all! I’m here today, sleepy, but here! I’m recovering from another great (kinda wet) week at the Lampeter Fair! We really did have a wonderful week, despite some unfortunate weather circumstances. I’m jumping back in full swing as we get ready to start back into Roots Nights on Wednesday! 

Speaking of, here’s some things you should know about Roots Nights for 2024-2025…

  • Dinner and Devotions start at 5:30pm in the Family Life Center. 
  • Lil’ and Youth Roots will be dismissed to their programming at 6:20pm. 
  • Adult Grow Group opportunities will begin at 6:30pm. Pastor Kevin will be leading a group on a study called “Great Passages of the Bible.” That group will meet in Room 14. Kerri Kreider will be leading a Discipleship Discussion group using a RightNow Media Study and the D6 Devotional Guides. Their meeting location is TBD.
  • Groups will be dismissed at 7:30pm. Immediately following; however, is the Adult Choir. They will meet in Room 14. 
  • We still are in need of A LOT of different volunteers. Please consider volunteering to serve in the Nursery, Kitchen, Lil’ or Youth Roots spaces. Reach out if you’ll serve!
  • While the construction project continues on, several of the Roots Nights programs will be displaced. We’ll communicate their meeting locations at dinner each Wednesday night. Thank you for being flexible while we’re under construction!

We hope to share with you even more updated footage of the building project on 

Sunday, much change has been taking place over the last two weeks! Until then, check out the latest update video that Paul Risk has posted. Be prayerful for how you can contribute towards this project. But also, be prayerful for the many conversations and discussions that are still in progress as many work to bring this project to fruition.

Love Feast is this upcoming Sunday, we hope you’ll make a point to join us! Remember 

our experiences together during our “Learning Love Feast” at this summer’s Every Generation Sunday. This is an experience for the whole family, for every generation, as we remember how Jesus lived.

I should also add, the BOLD crew all successfully completed their first hike of the week! 20 ladies made it in and out of the Grand Canyon safely, it took almost 20 hours for the entire group to complete the hike, but I got pictures of smiling faces! Continue to pray for their safety, physical endurance and spiritual unity as they travel to other hiking destinations the rest of the week.

I’m looking forward to getting back to “normal” this week, now that the fairs are behind us. But I’m just as excited to kick off our fall minist


Our Family Theme: Justified by Faith

Our Root Text: Romans 5:1–21

Verse of the Month: Romans 5:8

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Discuss how our sins make us God’s enemies but trusting in Christ gives us peace with God.

Check Out This Week’s PARENT PAGE

*This can also be accessed in the D6 Family App

What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

Our Every Generation Sunday was a special time in God’s Word yesterday. We split into groups and read God’s Word out loud all across our church building and property. I enjoyed hearing your voices echo through hallways as you read scripture together. 

I joined Pastor Kevin outside, he was reading by our sign. One of the chapters I read for us was Hebrews 13. Much of this chapter felt so appropriate to be reading at the foot of the sign that bears our church's name and notifies the community of our ministries and activities. This chapter talks about showing hospitality to strangers (vs 2), remembering those who are ill-treated (vs 3), trusting and praying for your leaders (vs 17-19), and offering sacrifices of praise to God (vs 15).

I was particularly struck by verse 8, a verse we all know well. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Standing by a sign that tells all who pass by and enter who we are, I was convicted and encouraged by the reminder that today we still serve the same God as our church forefathers. Change will be inevitable in the life of our church in the years to come. But the most important way that we will honor and preserve the tradition and legacy of those who have gone before us, is to imitate their faith - trusting and submitting to God who is the same “yesterday and today and forever.”


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: I heard a speaker share about this resource this week. Though a little dated, still a good tool - Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church's #1 Priority.


Something to Listen to: Found this new song recently… Check out “Christ or Nothing” by Mack Brock

Something to Follow: I’ve shared this podcast before, but their currently doing a series on “Melodies of Faith.” Kid’s Bible Stories are telling the stories of the church’s favorite hymns.


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the volunteers to step forward to serve in the many different capacities for Wednesday Roots Nights 

PRAISE for the start of our fall ministry calendar!