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     May your coffee be strong as you enter back into your post-fair life! What a wonderful week we had together as a community! Many of you sent me pictures of MGCB family in action, too many to put in the slideshow. You can see all of our pictures HERE and if you missed the slideshow at the beginning or end of yesterday's services, you can watch it HERE. The fun doesn’t stop for me, last night we had an awesome kick off to the 100th West Lampeter Community Fair, where I’ll be busy helping much of this week. Come visit me if you’re looking for some more fair food and fun this week!

     Yesterday, Morgan Holzhauer shared about the many ways God has been moving in the BOLD ministry over the last year. A new “fruit” of their ministry is the Desert Tour 2024. During which, hikers will hike some of God’s amazing wonders at the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Parks. Hikers raised funds to help aid in BOLD’s growing faith and fitness ministry. You can learn more about this experience, and how to pray for their team departing on Saturday on BOLD’s website, or by checking out Morgan’s presentation from yesterday HERE.

     Next Sunday is another Every Generation Sunday, where we will be combined for Sunday School. We’ll meet in the Sanctuary at 9am for a time of worship and introductions. The rest of the Sunday School hour will be spent reading through the ENTIRE New Testament and praying blessings over our building and property! It is going to be a special morning together. Don’t miss it!

     One last thing I’ll share with you. We’re back to Roots Nights so soon! Mark your calendars for the October 2nd start date. Don’t forget, devotions and dinner are at 5:30, kids, youth and adult discipleship groups and programs start at 6:30, dismissal and adult choir at 7:30. 


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: God’s Plan for Salvation

Our Root Text: Romans 3:10–12; 6:1–23

Verse of the Month: Romans 5:8

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Talk as a family… What does it mean to make Jesus the Lord over every aspect of our lives?


Check Out This Week’s PARENT PAGE

*This can also be accessed in the D6 Family App


What I’M Learning This WeekSharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

     We’re all studying the book of Romans with our D6 Curriculum and I’m also leading my D-Group Women’s Bible Study through the book of Romans - thanks for that happy accident, Lord! We were in Romans 3 yesterday, and that’s what we’re studying this week in D-Group. This morning I’m appreciating the very clear message that headings in my Bible tell, that we pull from chapter 3. 

     The chapter starts with a heading “God’s Faithfulness” (verses 1-8). The only appropriate place to start when encountering the Word, a reminder of WHO God is. The next heading in my Bible reads “No one is righteous” (verses 9-20). A forward reminder of who we are and how desperately we need the faithful God of the verses before it. One of my study Bibles broke this section of verses down into our sinful condition, our sinful speech, our sinful actions and the root cause of our sin. But it doesn’t end here. The last heading in this chapter in my Bible (verses 21-31) is “Righteousness through faith.” We know many of the verses in this section well. We’ve all sinned. We all fall short of the glory of God. But here we’re reminded of Christ as our atoning sacrifice who “justifies us all freely.”

     Boom. A quick version of the gospel in one chapter, in 31 verses. I hope this month of study in Romans will bring you to a frequent place of remembrance for what the gospel is for all of us. Come to some of these familiar passages with new eyes every time you approach them. What a treasure it has to hold these Words in our hands and hearts!


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: We’re in the formative stages of some marriage ministry programming for our MGCB couples, of all ages! The Grace Marriage: How the Gospel and Intentionality Transform Your Relationship is a tool we’re looking at. Maybe you’d enjoy it too!

Something to Listen to: I love their kid’s Bible resources and now they have a kids podcast! Make this part of your weekly routine! Check out the Kaleidoscope Kids Podcast!

Something to Follow: I’m sharing another podcast today, this one for the teen parents. I’ve shared this resource before, but it needs to be shared again! The Culture Translator Podcast does just that, “looks into teen culture every week to help parents and faith leaders have meaningful conversations with Gen Z.” Their newest episode talks about a new Instagram update specifically for teen accounts. Worth a listen!


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the BOLD crew headed out to the desert on Saturday! Pray for safety, team unity and encounters with God!

PRAISE for a beautiful, safe and successful Solanco Fair!