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Happy Fair Week, my friends! For me, this week marks the start of a two-week celebration of the “best of both worlds” as I get to celebrate the wonderful community here in Solanco and again the week after at the Lampeter Fair. I know I’ve shared before, but these weeks are better than Christmas for me! 

I’m looking forward to working alongside many of you in the Milkshake stand on Wednesday, thank you for signing up so willingly! We still have a need from 1:30-6:00pm. If that suits you, come join us! I’m also excited to see many of you in action, exhibiting livestock and other fruits of your labor, as well as supporting those of you who are volunteering much of your time to serve your community in this capacity! This place and its people are a treasure!

We spent a large portion of our staff meeting discussing many of the upcoming events that will kick-off after we all recover from the fair. Roots Nights being one of them! Much of the format is staying the same, we’ll meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month to share a meal together and participate in age-specific discipleship activities. New this year is a change in our start time, devotions before the meal will be starting at 5:30pm, make note of that time change! It takes many hands, in lots of different places, to make those evenings go smoothly. We are looking for volunteers in the Nursery, with FLC and Kitchen Clean-Up, Devotions, Youth Grow Group leaders, and leaders and teachers for the Elementary and Preschool ages. You can sign-up in the Gathering Area to serve. Other adult opportunities include Pastor Kevin’s Bible study, which will be looking at “The Great Passages of the Bible.” A Family Discipleship Discussion group will meet again as well. Adult choir starts up as soon as Roots Night activities are dismissed. See Lori Holzhauer if you’re interested in participating with that group!

I love the reset of the fall season. Though things are picking up full speed around here, I find myself feeling refreshed and excited about what is ahead. I’m grateful for a restful summer that helped me get to that place, but serving alongside of you all energizes me for this next season! 

What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: Choosing God’s Design for Relationships

Our Root Text: Genesis 19:1–38; Romans 1:19–28; 1 Corinthians 6:9–11

Verse of the Month: Romans 5:8

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Discuss God’s design for sexual relationships and why it is best to follow God’s design. For elementary students, the lessons focused on the students’ relationships with God and with others. Discuss those relationships if you feel your student is too young for the truths and questions on this Parent Page.

Check Out This Week’s PARENT PAGE

*This can also be accessed in the D6 Family App

What I’M Learning This WeekSharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

My family is very involved at the Lampeter Fair, we’ve been together a lot recently working on preparations for the upcoming event. Yesterday evening, though, we tried our best to pause the fair conversations to enjoy a family supper. We weren’t far into dessert before a knock at the door letting us know a cow was out and in the neighbors yard. We knew the drill, all too well, hopped up from the table and ran out the door. With an end-of-summer sunset behind us we chased a mischievous cow back into the meadow. Once we were back around the table we laughed about the times we had done the same years ago, in the dark after a good ol’ farm dog alerted us that the cows (or some 4-H sheep) were out. 

Today I’m thinking back to last night and am really grateful that I got to grow up the way I did, in the place I did. I’m thinking about a verse that’s been hanging in my parents kitchen for a long time. “You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance” (Psalm 65:11). The rest of that Psalm talks about God’s provision, blessings and answered prayers. My family’s life hasn’t always looked or felt as picturesque as this Psalm depicts. 

We all know that the agricultural industry doesn’t always promise bountiful yields. And we all know that walking with Jesus doesn’t always mean that we’re “shouting with joy and singing.” I’m reading this Psalm thinking of the times life hasn’t been overflowing and been more overwhelming. But in the same breath, I’m reading this song being reminded of all of the ways He has, and will continue to, “answer us with awesome and righteous deeds.” In God’s terms, the “furrows are always saturated and soft, the carts are always overflowing, the hills clothed with gladness and the meadows covered with flocks.” In our limited view that we miss out on his abundance. I don’t want to keep missing it. “The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy” (Psalm 65:8).

Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: New this year is the BOLD Bible Study, 25 ladies joined last week as we read through the book Woven: Understanding the Bible as One Seamless Story. Read along or come join us every other Friday morning! 

Something to Listen toFoundational Truths: A Catechism for Families includes four awesome songs about God’s goodness and Jesus’ love!

Something to Follow: A fan-favorite of many, Max Lucado has released a new video study on RightNow Media, pairing with his book “What Happens Next.”

How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for a safe, healthy and successful fair week for all participants and volunteers!

PRAISE for the organist, pianist and praise team! They are such important parts of our worship services.