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Updates, Encouragements and Fun Facts!

     The happiest of all Monday’s to you all! And a big warm welcome to fall! I really do love this time of year, but it has been a big change from the hot, sunny Florida I returned home from last week! Though I miss sharing together in a full sanctuary, it was refreshing to be back to our normal “routine” of worship services. Thank you for being flexible with the changes related to Sunday School meeting locations while we all anxiously anticipate the completion of the building project. 

     Many exciting transformations have taken place since Ken Rutt shared several weeks ago. Drywall is hung, electricians are busy at work today and painters are expected later this week. We will keep you updated as we get closer to occupancy, until then, be prayerful about the ways we can steward these new spaces well and how your household may feel led to contribute to the project!

     Thanks to many of you who signed up for the Solanco Fair Milkshake stand, I am so pleased with how quickly that is filling up! You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to hang out together and dip some ice cream, so sign-up today to support our Youth Roots!

     BOLD kicks off this week! Be praying for their leadership team, our childcare volunteers and the participants! The childcare team is looking at a new format to help serve the BOLD kids better, we’re still looking for help as we’ve had some changes in our volunteers. Please be praying that those vacancies can be filled soon! If you’re available from 9:15-10:30 on Tuesdays or Fridays, give me a shout! 

     I can’t wait to see you all in action next week at the fair! Send me all your pictures while you’re exhibiting, parade-walking, volunteering or fellowshipping! We’ll share a fair video on the Sunday after, as we’ve done in the past.


What WE’RE Learning This Week: A nugget of what our Lil’, Youth and Adults Roots heard this week

Our Family Theme: The Downward Spiral of Sin

Our Root Text: Romans 1:16–32

Verse of the Month: Romans 5:8

How Every Generation Lives This Out: Discuss how those who reject the gospel slide deeper and

deeper into sin.

Check Out This Week’s PARENT PAGE

*This can also be accessed in the D6 Family App


What I’M Learning This Week: Sharing what I’m reading and listening to lately

     I’m excited to lead the BOLD Bible Study with Morgan in the upcoming months. The participants will be reading through the book “Woven” Understanding the Bible as One Seamless Story.” The author sets up the book talking about her journey to know and love the Bible. One of her final exhortations for her readers is to approach the Word prayerfully. She says ask God for “supernatural understanding… for new joy and delight in his Word… that he will make things clear to you.” Another resource I’m looking at as I prepare to lead this group says “you may be familiar with praying in response to God’s Word, but what does it mean to pray in anticipation of it?”

     I’d imagine I could speak for most of us, and maybe I’m only speaking for myself here, but I have much room to grow in the area of praying in anticipation of what I am about to approach in the Word of God. Pastor Kevin charged us to to “go back to Sunday school,” or simply put, don’t stop studying the Word. Before we go back to “school,” let's be prayerful before we start “class.”

     The resource I mentioned above cited John Piper’s prayer that he uses to ready his heart before reading the Word. 

  • I, Incline my heart to your testimonies (Psalm 119:36).
  • O, Open my eyes to see wonderful things (Psalm 119:18).
  • U, Unite my heart to fear your name (Psalm 86:11).
  • S, Satisfy me in the morning with your steadfast love (Psalm 90:14).

IOUS. It’s easy to remember before we open our eyes, ears and hearts to the scriptures. 

     I’m looking forward to growing in this discipline of anticipatory prayer, and sharing IOUS with the BOLD Bible participants on Friday!


Make Every Week Count: Parenting, Grandparenting & Spiritual Mentoring Resources

Something to Read: This ones for our MEN! Check out… The Titus Ten: Foundations for Godly Manhood

Something to Listen to: Here’s the Roots September/October Block Playlist! I like this one too.. The Stuff We Sang Before playlist includes all the songs from previous blocks!

Something to Follow: Justin Whitmel Earley, the author of “Habits of the Household,” which we studying two summers ago, released the “Hang 10 Movement.” This is a set of ten technology practices for communities of Christians who want to receive the gifts of technology while fighting against its evils. Subscribe for more resources at the link above!


How Can You Pray? Prayer Requests and Praises from Roots Ministries

PRAY for the start of BOLD this week!


PRAISE for all of our Sunday School teachers who are committed to using their gifts to help us all “go back to Sunday school!”